2024 Women’s Retreats

Bluewater Bible Camp, Grand Rapids, MN

Fall Women’s Retreat

September 20-22, 2024

Cost: $85

Info at www.bluewatercovcamp.org/womens-retreat

Register here: www.bluewatercovcamp.org/womens-retreat or call 218-326-6058

Covenant Park Bible Camp, Mahtowa, MN

Fall Women’s Retreat

September 13-15, 2024

Cost: $125

Speaker: Michelle Thompson, Mission Covenant Church

Info and register at www.covenantpark.org/events

Lake Beauty Bible Camp, Long Prairie, MN

Fall Women’s Retreat

September 27-29, 2024

Cost: $200

Info and registration at www.lbbc.com/womens-retreat

Fall Quilt and Craft Retreat

Session 1: November 7-11

Session 2: November 14-18

Cost: $215-$265 depending on number of days

Info at www.lbbc.com/retreats

Register here: Register/Login | LakeBeautyBibleCamp (lbbc.com) or call 320-732-3218


Covenant Pines Bible Camp, McGregor, MN

Fall Quilt & Craft Retreat

October 31-November 3

Cost: $165 for 2 nights (5 meals); $215 for 3 nights (9 meals)

Info at www.covenantpines.org/quilt-and-craft

Register here: Login | Covenant Pines Bible Camp (campbrainregistration.com) or call 218-768-2610